What is leaky gut

What is leaky gut? And how to gently clean for your gut in four (4) simple steps.

You don’t feel right! Everything you eat has made you feel bloated, extremely exhausted and itchy all over. Your skin is going crazy and your hair is beginning to look dry and brittle. But that tummy, oh my goodness! It has taken on a life of it’s own. 

At some time or another we will all need to deal with a leaky gut. If you want to know all the symptoms of a leaky gut or wonder what causes “leaky gut” scroll to the bottom of this post to find out. 

First and foremost you’re here to learn to heal this leaky gut so let’s jump right into it. 

What is leaky gut

Step 1: Flush out the toxins with Apple Cider Vinegar

What to do: Drink two tablespoons of Organic Raw apple cider per day. 

Dilute it in your water and sip on this for the entire day whenever you’re thirsty or in place of your usual beverages. 

What you’ll notice: After a few days you will begin to feel a bit under the weather. This is normal. This is called “die off symptoms” (also called Herx reaction) which means it’s working. The cider is killing off some bacteria and fungus and the toxins are being released from these dead cells. You may also notice more frequent and larger bowel movements. A lot of your digestive issues will resolve too and brain fog will reduce. Keep sipping. 

Duration: Drink this vinegar and water until the symptoms are gone usually about a week to 5 days. Be patient this is a slow and gentle clean. 

What it’s doing: Apple cider vinegar has a plethora of benefits but in this case we are harnessing it’s ability to kill harmful bacteria and yeast and ease digestive discomforts. 

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Step 2: Soothe the gut with Aloe Vera

What to do: Take the recommended dose of Aloe Vera gel capsules.

You may also use fresh Aloe Vera gel from the plant itself. Make sure you soak the leaves in water first to get the yellow bitter sap out first.  

Do this what ever time of day you’d like. 

What you’ll notice: Your energy level will be lifted. You will sleep a little better and  your digestive issues will continue to improve. 

Duration: Take the capsules as directed or eat a two inch (5 cm) square of the fresh gel for three (3) or four (4) days. 

What it’s doing: Aloe Vera has over 75 vitamins and minerals and in this capacity it’s ability to kill some parasites and reduce inflammation will be our purpose. It has the ability to heal ulcers so imagine what it can do for the tiny fissures in the gut!

Aloe Vera Gel

Step 3: Repopulate the gut good bacteria-Probiotics

What to do: Take the recommended dose of probiotic capsules. 

You may also eat fermented foods such as unsweetened yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, pickles, buttermilk, cottage, cheddar, Gouda and mozzerela cheeses, natto, miso and tempeh.

If you’re lactose intolerant stay away from the dairy versions, please. 

What you’ll notice: Your bowel movements are bulky and frequent and most gastrointestinal symptoms are reduced. Your sleep is better and some stiffness in the joints and heaviness is reduced. 

Duration: Use these probiotic forms until your bowel movement is no longer bulky and frequent. At least one to three (3) per day and it is firm and not runny.

What it’s doing: Probiotics enhance your immune system and repopulate the gut with good bacteria. Good bacteria fight off the bad bacteria that could damage the gut or make you sick otherwise. These good bacteria are also responsible for making some helpful compounds in the body such as Vitamin B12.

Step 4: Heal the gut with Bone Broth

What to do: Add bone broth to your meals! 

You may also make it from scratch with this recipe here!

What you’ll notice: Restful sleep! Minimal gastrointestinal discomforts and reduced brain fog. Reduction in a lot of aches and pains and more energy in the day is also expected. You’ll also have easier bowel movements and maybe some gas. It’s fine, stay away from close quarters!

Duration: This is the most delicious part of the whole process! You can have this every other day for a few days then rest for a month then have some again. Or you can just have it once a week!  Bone broth has a very impressive nutrient and mineral profile you can find out more about it here in our blog. It’s customization and you can make it to your liking!

What is

What is leaky gut, causes and symptoms of a leaky gut

A leaky gut could be the start of all diseases. The gut is the point in the body where “you are what you eat” is materialized. The food that is digested and is in it’s simplest form is absorbed into the body, directly into the blood stream via the gut!  

What ever you ate is absorbed here and becomes a part of you

“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” -Hippocrates

Here are some symptoms of a leaky gut:

  • Bloating
  • Dyspepsia
  • Diarrhea and constipation in intervals
  • Gas
  • Burping
  • Painful abdomen
  • itchy skin (see our post on Allodynia
  • Fatigue
  • Swollen face, legs and fingers
  • Dry brittle skin
  • Dull dry itchy skin
  • Craving sweets/starchy/fatty foods
  • Brain fog
  • Depressive and irritable moods
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Feeling dizzy or intoxicated immediately after eating
  • Spastic colon (Thin pencil stools; never feeling empty and frequent small bowel movements)
  • Allergies
  • Cold and flu-like symptoms
  • Painful, stiff joints and muscles
If you have more than 5 of these symptoms you may have a leaky gut!  The culprits are usually chronic stress, poor sleeping habits, poor diet, illness and overall bad health. 
Disruption of the lining of the gut is what causes “leaky gut”.  This causes small intestine to loose it’s ability to regulate what passes through into the body. Here the contents could and does  leak into the bloodstream.
The reason for the deterioration of the gut is due to prolonged stress, poor diet, long term illnesses, environmental pollution, food allergies, medication, yeast and bacteria overgrowth.
In conclusion, may find relief in these methods outlined in this article but what causes leaky gut and how to begin the healing process. Please make sure you don’t have any food allergies first and of course, talk to your health care professional before starting any new change in diet or lifestyle. 

Gone are the days when you had to give yourself that aggressive purge. I mean it works but it was unpleasant. Here is a way you can do it gently and discretely.

No one has to know and there are no annoying trips to the bathroom.

OK, maybe a few…



There are a lot less stomach cramps and your life can go on as normal as possible while feeling better and better everyday.

Maintain your Gut health

Keep up with all the work you’ve done my keeping the aggravating foods out of your diet. Use our FREE symptom tracker to observe the way your body responds to some of the foods you eat. 

You can carry out this easy protocol whenever you like. Add and take away the four elements according to how your body feels and avoid what causes leaky gut. Everything in moderation.

Remember you are in control here. Trust your gut. Live well!

Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2019. I suffered for decades before I met the right Doctor. I began to research my condition and connected the dots. Now I want to share what I learned with the hope of helping at least one person. So I have created Restivida!

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