
Live your best life

Welcome to Restivida

Living with a Chronic or Invisible Illness sucks and you don’t have to be alone any more! Thanks so much for stopping by and welcome to our page! We’re so grateful and thrilled that you’ve decided to become a part of the Restivida family. 

Our hope is that we can learn and grow with each other as we try to understand our invisible and chronic illnesses. Share your story with us. We want to hear from you. 


As a young insomniac adult in college with a part-time job, I used my sleepless nights to complete projects and do homework and just crashed on the weekends. Come Monday morning I was no more rested than I felt on Friday. But this is college and young adult life, right? Fast forward to my 30’s when I moved to a foreign country, became a new wife, mom and started a PhD all in the same year. 

Sleep deprivation at this point was not an option, it was a way of life. I was “new-mom” tired and “PhD student” tired but when I got the chance to sleep I was still not rested. Add that to the stress of living in a foreign country with a huge language and cultural gap! Nutritional deficiencies from living on a student budget compounded this effect. 

My health declined to the point where I couldn’t even recognise myself in the mirror; hardly functioning and waking up to a blaring alarm clock is in-fact the most brutal way to wake up after a night of non-restorative sleep. I was exhausted at a cellular level Keep reading…

Our mission is to provide tools to ease the struggles of living with invisible illnesses. We want to encourage restful sleep, management and offer suggestions for pain relief and an outlet to share what’s bothering you the most.

We will never sell any e-books, courses or printable material that can be of help in your relief journey. It’s just not fair. These items will always be free of charge no matter how much time was spent doing the research or compiling the data. 

Wherever we can we will provide links to FREE or cheap resources. Because we want relief to be accessible to everyone!

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    These posts are for informational and educational purposes only. Please don’t substitute it for medical advice from a medical professional. Restivida encourages you to consult your doctor with specific health concerns. Restivida does not take any responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this website. Please consult your physician before beginning any new diet, supplement  program or lifestyle change.  All the information presented here has been thoroughly researched and tried by persons actually suffering from an invisible illness. While we hope that you could find relief in your journey we strongly advise you to do so under proper supervision. 

    All the images and illustrations on this site were acquired from; wikimedia commons; depositpotos or rendered using Inkscape graphics editor.