Restivida Blogs

~Welcome to Restivida! Start changing your life today~

restivida blogs

Welcome to Restivida blogs! 

This blog was made under the most unfavorable of circumstances! I founded this blog after I finally got a Fibromyalgia diagnosis. There had been decades of suffering with so many symptoms that didn’t connect to any specific illness before that. 


It got progressively worse and it all came to a head after I gave birth to my daughter and just couldn’t recover physically even though three years had passed. During that time I was in the middle of a molecular biology PhD rabbit hole. No one understood the issues I was facing and neither did I. 

(Maybe I’ll elaborate at a later date, once my diploma is in hand.) 

After the diagnosis, I refused medication and I spent 6 months looking into my condition. I spent many days reading well reputed scientific and came into a better understanding. I concluded that even if I can’t get rid of my invisible illness I can make solid moves in managing the symptoms. 

I got my first bottle of supplements and it was what got me out of the bed and got me my first night of sleep for the first time in years. 

I learned that I was suffering from an invisible illness. 

While researching Fibromyalgia I found that there were so many other invisible illnesses that many of us suffer from. We are regular people living regular lives. We’re in Facebook groups and on the bus and in the supermarket. We have families and jobs and we are all here trying to live life as best as we can given the circumstances. It was not easy to tell which of us has an invisible illness or not. 

Some symptoms like allodynia and edema are not invisible! Your pain is not “ghost pain” it’s real! You can feel it. You can see it!

Your illness may be invisible but you are not! 

I wondered now what could be done with all this information that I had gotten and I decided to share it for free

I don’t want your money; I want for you to live well!

I decided to share it for free because I was in a position to have free access to scientific research journals that would otherwise require hefty subscriptions. Many of the blogs I read were asking sick people to pay for this information not having cited a single scientific study! 

Why profit off someone’s suffering with information that is not even from credible sources? 

I understand purchasing supplements… but information? Naw! I think that once you are in possession of information that can help someone, share it! 

Share it far and share it wide!

The other reason to start a blog is to share the information from a scientific point of view that’s easy to digest. I spent my entire academic papers reading and dissecting papers; it’s become second nature. 

Once we understand that we can understand we can assess the symptoms better. Sharing all this information in a blog gave me a place to put all the information that I gathered over time. 

I couldn’t just keep it to myself. I had to share and I want to share it with you!

I’ll also be adding some worksheets from time to time since (not all of you want to download a thousand different APPs on you cell phone). Sometimes stuff just looks good and makes sense written down using good ol’ pen and paper.

Finally, I’d love to hear your story and even if none of the solutions work for you at least you know that there are a pair of listening ears here. 

Again, I’ll say: All the information I post here will be free; I will not ask you to purchase any membership, any e-courses or e-books! I do hope that you appreciate the value in the information given in return and share it; let’s help each one reach one. 

I hope that this blog can help you or someone; the illness may be invisible but we are not! 

You are not invisible!


Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2019. I suffered for decades before I met the right Doctor. I began to research my condition and connected the dots. Now I want to share what I learned with the hope of helping at least one person. So I have created Restivida!

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