Benefits of olive oil

Five (5) Benefits of olive oil

1. Anti-oxidant

Olive oil has the ability to reduce damage to cells and cell membrane. It has the ability to scavenge free radicals including reactive oxygen species.  These  electron seeking bodies rob from the DNA, cell membranes and other vitamins and co-enzymes of electrons they need to maintain functional integrity. This leads to destruction of these components and makes them useless. To learn more about free radicals and why they are destructive. Find our previous post here. Or here where we speak of how energy is made properly.  

2. Colon cancer prevention

These days we are being encouraged to eat probiotics and prebiotics as well as fiber all in the name of gut health.  

In a nutshell, the probiotics will populate your gut with good bacteria, the prebiotics will provide food to these bacteria and the other non- digested starch will add bulk to the diet to help to push undigested food and absorb extra water and waste.

But olive oil is not any of these things so what does it really do?

Prevents some types of colorectal cancer by interacting with the normal gut bacteria. The breakdown of the compounds in olive oil by these bacteria produces agents that are believed to have “chemopreventative” activity. So this will kill precancerous cells that are constantly being made in our bodies in this case, our gut.

3. Circulatory system protection

Heart heath is important in this era of sedentary lifestyle and in most recent times 2020 was the year of “working from home”. 

We have been sitting and sitting for hours on end. At least 8 to 14 hours a day. Since we can now connect to the entire world through the computer, we hardly have reason to move unless we really want to. 

Our heart is a muscle and like any other muscle it is strengthened by use.

Protects against heart diseases by lowering blood pressure. This is done by the vasodilation and vasoconstriction management of the arteries by a mechanism that involves oleic acid

4. Immune booster

What a great benefit of olive oil.  Not only for cold and flu season but for any bug that’s going around trying to invade our bodies. 

Microbes both good and bad are surrounding us everyday. Our bodies must always work hard non-stop around the clock while we go around living our lives.

The benefits of extra virgin olive oil is an immune booster because of the amazing antioxidant antimicrobial and antibacterial properties on top of all that it also prevents deposits on your arteries. How awesome is that?

5. Brain Function

You walk in a room and immediately forget why you were in there. You’re a bit more forgetful than usual. Your mind is not as quick as it used to be. 

Maybe you can try adding more olive oil to your diet. 

A special compound called Secoiridoid oleuropein in olive oil has been proven to prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s dementia and keep you sharp as a tack! Here’s to never losing your car keys again.

What it Olive oil contains

We mentioned oleic acid but what else does it contain? Olive oil contains what is called Triacylglycerol (TGA) this is just a group word for glycerol esters (basically, a complex hinge but for the chemistry nerds among us: a junction or bond that is a single carbon bonded to three other atoms) with fatty acids. Fatty acids are the keys to the benefits. The highest concentration of TGA is oleic acid with about 83% and the other 17% is palmitic, linoleic, stearic and palmitoleic acids. There are also other micronutrients and flavonoids that escalate this oil to the top of the “health food” list.

Olive oil is often considered liquid gold. We’re not sure why but it is supposed to be healthy and for that reason and that reason only it’s coming home with us from the supermarket. Here you are at the supermarket and you see before your eyes an entire aisle dedicated to olive oil. Some in plastic bottles, some in glass bottles and in dark bottles and some in clear bottles reflecting the light like large ambers stuck in a wall. 

Four (4) Types of Olive oil

1. Blended

How it’s made:  This is made by mixing extra virgin olive oil with another type of olive oil or cooking oil.

Uses: This type is able to withstand high temperatures. You’ll have to check the ingredients list to make sure you’re not allergic. This type of oil is great for all your regular roasting or cooking and in some cases frying.

2. Pure, Regular or Classic

How it’s made: This is made by mixing all the types of olive oil along with other types of oil such as soybean, grapeseed or safflower oils.

Uses: This is great for cooking; depending on the ratio of oils used it may or may not for braising and deep frying but you certainly can keep this handy in the kitchen. 

What’s a definite plus is that it’s the perfect carrier oil to make hair and skin oils. All the benefits of olive oil without the pungent smell you’d prefer to have in a salad. 

4. Extra Virgin

How it’s made:  Carefully selected olives are harvested and chosen and crushed. The temperature is kept below 28 degrees Celsius to maintain the integrity of the oil.  This juice is spun very quickly so the oil and watery parts separate.  

The oil is tested for quality and must meet standards of Madrid-based International Olive Council, the California Olive Oil Council, Australian Olive Association.

Uses: This is a very flavorful, slightly bitter or acidic oil. To reap all the benefits of olive oil it should be consumed within 1 year of manufacturing. This oil should be enjoyed cool and is not suitable for cooking as it could degrade the nutrients. 

3. Pomace

How it’s made: After olive oil is pressed to get extra virgin olive oil the result is called pomace. The pomace is collected and pressed once again and this yield a lower quality oil that is useful, still, but for other purposes.

Uses: Cleaning and furniture polish, This form is not usually made into food products but sometimes it’s used in cooking at higher temperatures such as frying, roasting and grilling over direct flames. The best recommendation for this is for soap making.

How to use Olive oil

If you have never tried any type of Olive oil on your own before or if you have tried it this is a great quick recipe that you can whip up in a few minutes to impress yourself and that last minute dinner. 

Three (3) Simple Extra Virgin Olive oil recipes

1. Home remedy for soothing cough and sore throat

Mix one part extra Virgin olive oil with one part lemon juice and a pinch of sea/pink salt. Shake and immediately swallow one teaspoon every 4 hours to soothe a dry cough or sore throat

Benefits of olive oil

2. Healthy condiment for your favorite artisan bread

Mince one fresh garlic clove, ¼ teaspoon pepper, your favorite dried herb, sea/pink salt to taste and add two tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. Use for dipping

Benefits of olive oil

3. Healthy Hair Grow Potion

Add one part extra virgin olive oil to one part coconut oil and two parts  Aloe Vera Gel to a blender and pulse for 30 seconds. Place in a double boiler uncovered until all the moisture has been cooked out (3-4 hours on low). Strain into a jar and keep in the refrigerator. It will solidify but it will still be pliable. Use to moisturize hair, scalp and skin with the added benefit of all the minerals and vitamins found in Aloe vera.

Benefits of olive oil

How to store Olive oil

Now you have at least four bottles in your cart and you’re thinking….

How can I store this? Is there a right way to store this?

Keep your oil in it’s dark bottle tightly covered in a dark, dry, cool place. You can pour out your oil in a dark container if it came in a light colored container.

Most experts encourage buyers to look at the manufacture date and purchase and use the oil within a year to 18 months after the date of manufacture to reap all the benefits of olive oil. 


Olive oil is a great anti-oxidant, cancer preventative and heart healthy oil. It is also important for immune system and brain function.

It’s made from crushing fresh olives and separating the oil from the juice by centrifuge. Grading and having different types are derived by the nutrient and fatty acid content and whether it’s blended with other oils or not. 

It’s multifunctional from making salads, to home remedies and even beauty products. 

There is the perfect olive oil out there for you. Before you go out to get some think about what your purpose is first. There is no wrong one to pick as long as you use it and store it correctly. 

The health benefits of extra virgin olive oil is incredible and matches only a few other health foods. Isn’t it a wonder that it have been in use for all these thousands of years? 

Truth be told, the taste and smell of olive oil, especially extra virgin olive oil will take some getting used to. 

Once you begin to see the benefits and the slow improvement in your health and how your body feels in general; you’ll realize that this is a great and hopefully permanent addition.

Pick up a bottle today instead of your usual and try that out instead. You might like it. Live well!

Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2019. I suffered for decades before I met the right Doctor. I began to research my condition and connected the dots. Now I want to share what I learned with the hope of helping at least one person. So I have created Restivida!

3 Thoughts on “Five (5) Incredible Benefits of Olive Oil”

  • Refined olive oil is sometimes used to create sauces or spreads for cooking. These products can be quite popular in restaurants that serve a wide variety of foods. Since refined oils are made without the natural properties that are found in the original olives, they will usually have a sharper taste and less aroma than unrefined olive oil.

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