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How long does D-ribose take to work?

In one of my previous blog posts, I spoke about what D-ribose was and I shared some research articles that illustrated the effects it had on different conditions, namely Fibromyalgia.

But how long does “D-ribose structure” and how long does take to work? 

Here’s the short answer: three weeks in my experience, I needed a month. 

This is about how long D-ribose takes to work. Now, this is not necessarily true for everyone but in my case it was. 

At the time I started taking D-ribose I was already exhausted beyond belief. I had pain all over my body and my insomnia was way out of control. I was wide-awake-tired every single night. I could hardly recognize my own face in the mirror and the brain fog was incredible.

Right now you make be looking for any additional supplements for your Chronic Illness. Maybe you have not yet been diagnosed and you’d like to have something that can put a little pep in your step.

If you are one of the the lucky few you have actually been diagnosed and you’d like to add something to your treatment, here’s how. 

This is only my experience and I’d love to share it with you. Don’t be afraid to contact us and let us know how long D-ribose takes to work for you! 

Something had to be done!

After speaking with my Doctor, I got my first bottle of D-ribose I started right away with 15 grams per day; I took it with food [1] and my last dose was at 3 p.m. 

In the reviews I read online it suggested that it may interfere with sleep and lower blood glucose but it was worth a shot. I had some gastric issues but nothing too serious. I really couldn’t tell if it was a fibro-flare or a side effect. 

The first week I noticed nothing of my daytime symptoms but I was able to sleep at night, not restorative but gosh! I was able to sleep. 

D-ribose structure

D-ribose is a 5 carbon sugar that is in the middle of the ATP molecule. It is connected to both the adenine and the phosphate group. This makes it the backbone of this molecule and ATP would be unable to be formed without it. 

D-ribose structure/Magnesium supplements

By the second week my brain fog lifted and my mood stabilized, I still had more to go though. By the third week I was able to get out of bed when I heard the alarm clock and that cloaked-in-a-wet-blanket feeling was slowly wearing off; the gastric upset lingered but it wasn’t too upsetting to stop. 

I didn’t check my blood sugar and but felt fine. After three weeks of taking 15 grams I reduced the dose to 10 grams per day and I couldn’t tell that I’d shifted dosages. 

The improvements continued slowly and the last to leave was the feeling of malaise, that feeling of having or just about to have a fever.

 Around the fourth week was when I noticed that I did not need that afternoon nap anymore and I was able to manage the dosage and control how much I needed depending on what I was doing for the day. 

Some days I needed that extra push to get to bed-time and other days I was fine with only 10 grams. I reduced to five grams per day for about two more months and now I maintain with two grams per day at lunchtime. I now have no more gastric upsets and my body has settled into a nice regimen. 

It has now been eight months taking D-ribose. I do cycle it out on lazy week-ends and less demanding days. But I have found it to be indispensable for Fibromyalgia management. When I’m out the first thing to come back is that feeling of malaise and back to the afternoon naps. So I try to keep in on hand all the time.

Go ahead, give it a try! Let me know how D-ribose takes to work for you. But please speak with your Doctor before starting any supplement regimen.


1. Thompson, J., Neutel, J., Homer, K., Tempero, K., Shah, A. and Khankari, R. (2014), Evaluation of D‐ribose pharmacokinetics, dose proportionality, food effect, and pharmacodynamics after oral solution administration in healthy male and female subjects. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 54: 546-554. doi:10.1002/jcph.241

Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2019. I suffered for decades before I met the right Doctor. I began to research my condition and connected the dots. Now I want to share what I learned with the hope of helping at least one person. So I have created Restivida!

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