10 things healthy people have around their homes

Here are 10 things that healthy people have around their homes

Living healthy is now the paramount of existing. Our health has been shown to be our wealth. You look around searching on the internet for latest, cleanse and detox program and subscribe to the latest diet course and that e book is in your shopping cart ready to be downloaded. 

Before you spend hundreds of dollars on a program that you’re not sure might suit you (or you know deep down that you might not be able to commit) there must be something you can start with first, right? Something that you don’t need to put too much into. 

A healthy lifestyle starts with small intentional changes that are easy to adapt to and develop from.

Here are 10 things that healthy people have around their house that is a part of their everyday life. Start by incorporating a few of these a little at a time and gradually notice the change in your health; your wealth.

Please seek medical advice before ingesting or applying any of these products to you body. 

1. Mint

The smell of peppermint is almost synonymous with clean. Healthy people incorporate mint into their everyday life in the form of mint teas which is perfect for digestion and soothing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).  Diluted peppermint oil is great for relieving muscle pain, itching and headache. Don’t forget to use mint as aromatherapy to increase alertness and relieve fatigue

2. Rosemary

Rosemary is a great source of antioxidants. As we mentioned in our previous blog, our bodies can benefit a lot from these. Rosemary is a proven anti-inflammatory and a imunune system booster.  Rosemary plants are fragrant and fuss free. Keep it near a sunny window and use the fast growing sprigs for teas, adding to your recipes and include it in your aromatherapy sessions. 

3. Olive oil

Like, rosemary, olive oil is also rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Research shows that using olive oil is great for overall health. Olive oil is great for the hair, skin and adding to cuisines. Switch up that low grade oil on your counter for a bottle of this liquid gold and improve your health one healthy drop at a time. 

4. Pink salt

Healthy people don’t just like this salt because it’s pretty but it’s a really good reason to set it out on your brunch table.  Although it is pretty much still just salt and there may be no difference in taste; the health benefits lie in the process; pink salt is one of the purest salts. It’s harvested directly from the earth, no frills attached. The trace minerals include magnesium, potassium and calcium. The jury is still out on which salt to choose but it’s better to choose one that’s natural rather than that one that’s made in a factory sans the trace minerals. 

5. Aloe vera

This is called the immortal plant because it is so easy to grow and reproduce. Aloe vera works wonders on the skin as a natural exfoliate. It moisturizes and heals the skin of acne, burns and surgical incisions. Aloe vera relieves itching of the scalp, reduces dandruff and helps to moisturize and make the hair elastic.

Consuming it provides us with 75 vitamins, enzymes, amino acid and minerals.  One aloe plant can replace a plethora of products in your home; it saves you money and reduces the exposure to chemicals found in some commercial products. 

6. Green tea

The word green in almost anything is often synonymous with healthy people. Aside from the fact that it is full of heart healthy polyphenols it’s also full of antioxidants for cleansing free radicals. Regular green tea contains enough caffeine to give you a perk and replace that cup of coffee. But there’s a unique amino acid L-theanine in green tea that provides serious relaxation benefits. Take a cup in the morning to start your day and take a cup in the afternoon to calm you down and keep you alert. 

7. Turmeric

Aside from giving food an attractive bright yellow color and a deep earthy taste turmeric is an ideal and perfect add-in to you life. It is full of antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Without too much effort you can add a dash here and a dash there and increase the health benefits. Ever had a turmeric and olive oil face mask? Glow up!

8. Ginger

Hot spicy ginger! Healthy people add this to their diet for a multitude of reasons. The spicy sensation is due to a compound gingerol. Ginger is often used for reducing morning sickness in first trimester in pregnant persons.  Most importantly ginger reduces inflammation and oxidative stress. It’s great for relieving pain from osteoarthritis and maintaining blood pressure and blood sugar. 

9. Apple cider vinegar

Get your system going with a cup of warm water and apple cider vinegar in the morning. This will quench your thirst and get your digestive system moving.  Apple cider vinegar has been tested and tried in many scientific studies. It actually has been shown to reduce BMI and increase the good gut bacteria over a 12 week period.  There are plenty of reliable studies that show these benefits. The taste takes a little getting used to but the benefits are worth it.

10. Citrus

Lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines and pomelos are just a famous few but there are more of these to love. Take a look at your produce section a little closer and try something different. You might like it.  Citrus, especially lemon juice alkalizes the body which makes an optimum environment for our enzymes and body systems to function best. It has been shown to reduce weight in healthy people over a period of four days when used in a juice fast.  But it really improves the taste of regular water if you are really trying to get more water in but you’re just bored of the taste. 

Switching to a healthy life style is sometimes overwhelming. Where to start is often the thing that makes you not want to start at all. You don’t have to feel uncertain and overwhelmed. 

Pick up a few of these items and just add them into your everyday life. Over time you will notice the changes in the way your body feels and the amount of energy you have throughout the day. 

Healthy people didn’t become this way over-night. Remember nothing happens overnight. Small changes are easier to manage and build momentum as you go along. You can do it, all you need to do is take the first step.

One small step at a time. 


  1. How do I turn my life around and be more like one of those healthy people?
    • There is no one way to turn your life around. Just start with little steps. For example. You can get a rosemary plant and start adding it into recipes. 
  2. I have a Chronic Illness, will this work for me?
    • Every little bit counts. But make sure you speak with your health care professional before you ingest anything.
  3. Can I use peppermint oil in home made toothpaste?
  4.  Can rosemary plants be shipped live?
    • Yes! It can be shipped and remain alive if packed well. When you receive the plants soak the roots in water for an hour and transplant. Put near a sunny window. Some leaves may fall off but keep adding water every 2 to 3 days.
  5. Can I fry with olive oil?
    • It’s not the best choice for extra virgin olive oil but it works fine for classic or olive oil for cooking. Saute with it but at very low temperatures  or add some other healthy oil with higher smoke point such as coconut oil. Happy frying.
  6. Could the pink salt have heavy metals?
    • Not likely, most companies that mine pink salt for eating will perform analyses to make sure their product is wholesome.  
  7. Is aloe vera edible?
    • It very much is. Wash the leaves and trim them of the thorns. Soak in water for 10 minutes and change the water twice. It will have a slight yellow tinge, This is the bitter part. Use a spoon to peel the flat part of the leaf off then use the same spoon to cleanly scrape the gel into your container. 
  8. How do I prepare green tea?
    • This really works well if you have a tea ball or tea bags or this pot. Pour some water around 80-85 degrees C; swirl it around and pour off this water. Add more water and steep for 3 minutes, longer if you like astringent tea. You can re-brew these leaves in the same session but just brew a little longer.
  9. I used this as a face mask and now my face is yellow! How do I clean this off?
    • When making a turmeric face mask, use a skin friendly oil of your choice and mix the turmeric in this oil and apply to your face. Leave on your face for 10 minutes and wash off with your favorite face wash twice. Wipe any residue with wet wipes that have been rinsed off.
  10. Can ginger really thin the blood of health people?
    • Yes, to a certain degree. Ginger contains a compound named salicylate similar to acetylsalicylic acid in aspirin. It won’t thin the blood to the same degree as prescribed medication. 
  11. I have been drinking apple cider vinegar (ACV) and now I feel ill; how can this be something healthy people feel?
    • Hopefully you’re taking the unfiltered version presented in this post. This would mean that the ACV is killing off some microbes such as yeasts (candida) and some bacteria (good and bad). When these organisms die, especially the bad ones they release toxins giving you what is called “die off” symptoms. After a few days this should clear up. Stick with it and you’ll feel a lot better. If you’re feeling too ill stop and seek medical advice. 
  12. Is this concentrate or juice?
    • This is juice, not concentrate but if you’re making lemonade you’ll need to add a sweeter as it is unsweetened and water of course. Feel free to add this to recipes that call for lemon juice to
Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2019. I suffered for decades before I met the right Doctor. I began to research my condition and connected the dots. Now I want to share what I learned with the hope of helping at least one person. So I have created Restivida!

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